

My name is Billie Blossom. I’m a photographer from East London who is currently based in Southern California.
With over eleven years of photography experience, I specialise in analogue photography, and have a focus on and particular love for portraiture.
I studied professional photographic practice at University of the Arts London (2011-12) and graduated from the University of East London (2018) with a BA(Hons.) in Photography.

I co-host the podcast All The Space In Between, a weekly comedy advice show which has been going for over 150 episodes. It’s about art and relationships and everything else, and you can find it here.

I regularly send out hand-made darkroom and art prints to patrons who support my work - learn more by subscribing to my Patreon.

twitter: @billieblssm
instagram: @blssmbillie

For press enquiries, please email me directly at billie@blssm.org.
Available for interviews and podcast appearances, with access to professional audio and video recording.