
Zines 003: DUSK + 004: HOLLOW

This month I put out two new issues of my zine series that I release over on Patreon - issues 003 & 004, respectively.
Both are filled with analog photography and personal writing, and each copy is hand-stamped and then hand-stitched together - Dusk with darkest blue thread on white, and Hollow with silver white thread on black.
Here are some photos of the finished zines just before they got packaged up & sent out!

003: Dusk

This zine was shot entirely on instant film while in California in September. The theme was dusk, and everything was shot at the last possible moments of light this film could handle.

There's something fun about the challenge of only having an instax and a basic flatbed scanner - everything has to be done in camera and with the available light. You have to work within limitations. I broke apart all of the frames I shot for this issue to reveal the raw, light-leaking edges that are unique to instant film - I love anything that shows the physicality of a photo, or evidence of the chemical processes that made it.

004: Hollow

Fittingly, Hollow was completed on Halloween night. It’s about Octobers, and losses, and feeling a fissure start to form inside yourself. This is the longest zine in the series so far, and it’s cover marks a departure from the all-white theme I’ve had up til now.

The zine is entirely black and white, with hand processed, self-scanned photography. It was shot on three different cameras: one with a broken viewfinder, where I was shooting blind and guessing the focus; another with a broken shutter, creating huge black voids over half the images that came out on it; and a third, borrowed from a friend, with mechanisms I learned as I shot. I really leaned into the process of piecing something very purposeful together out of all these borrowed and broken parts.

If you want to read all the past issues and subscribe to future ones, you can sign up for the patreon here:

thank you!

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